Friday, July 31, 2009

Passing value from child window to parent window in asp or javascript?

i have a parent window that opens a child window when a button is clicked. How do i pass the value from child window to parent window when the child window is closed? the value will be passed to a drop down menu in the parent window.the language i use is asp. thanks

Passing value from child window to parent window in asp or javascript?
Inter-window communication is best accomplished via JavaScript. Here's a sample that goes either way, i.e., parent-to-child or child-to-parent. Put the two files in the same folder and open the parent.html.






input.msgInput { width: 40em; }



var childWin;

function sendToChild() {

var msg = document.getElementById('msgText').value...

var target = childWin.document.getElementById("msgTar...

target.innerHTML = msg;


function openChildWin() {

childWin ='child.html');






%26lt;input class="msgInput" type="text"

value="type msg to child window here"

id="msgText" /%26gt;

%26lt;input type="button"

value="click to send message"

onclick="sendToChild();" /%26gt;

%26lt;input type="button"

value="click to open child window"

onclick="openChildWin();" /%26gt;

%26lt;div id="msgTarget"%26gt;

messages from child will go here











input.msgInput { width: 40em; }



var parentWin = window.opener;

function sendToParent() {

var msg = document.getElementById('msgText').value...

var target = parentWin.document.getElementById("msgTa...

target.innerHTML = msg;






%26lt;input class="msgInput" type="text"

value="type msg to parent window here"

id="msgText" /%26gt;

%26lt;input type="button"

value="click to send message"

onclick="sendToParent();" /%26gt;

%26lt;div id="msgTarget"%26gt;

messages from parent will go here






To pass from child to parent when the child is closed, register the passing function as the handler for the child's onclose event...

%26lt;body onclose="sendToParent();"%26gt;

Tailor the sendToParent() for your case.
Reply:try the following


from the child windo that gets you access to the parent

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