Friday, July 31, 2009

How do I show specific data in a form on ASP page if Radio Button has value of "checked" ?

Can someone show me how to do this? I have used a checkbox to show certain data if the box is checked and if the box isn't checked, it doesn't show the data. My only problem with that is this: the checkbox as a submit function that posts back to itself on the same page. I don't want to do that. I don't want the page to refresh because I don't want to lose the data if the user has typed anything in the form.

Something like what I'm trying to do is:

1. Have a form on an ASP page with 3 sections

Section A - Table with fields for Personal Information

Section B - Table with fields for Contact Information

Section C - Table with fields for Company Information

2. Before Section C I would like a Radio Group with 2 Options "Yes" and "No". If the user would like to register as a company they would click "Yes".

3. When the user clicks "Yes", the fields in Section C will no longer be greyed out and the user will be able to fill them in.

Much thanks to you guys!

How do I show specific data in a form on ASP page if Radio Button has value of "checked" ?
I'd use javascript and html


%26lt;div id='SectionA'%26gt;

personal information table goes here


%26lt;div id='SectionB'%26gt;

contact information table goes here


%26lt;input type='checkbox' id='chkCompany'


text='Register as company'%26gt;

%26lt;div id='SectionC' style='visibility:hidden;'%26gt;

company information table goes here



%26lt;script language='javascript'%26gt;

function togglecompany(thecheckbox){





//the above 3 lines should be 1






//the above 3 lines should be 1




if the user checks "register as company"

then the company information appears,

otherwise it remains hidden.

no postback involved

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