Thursday, July 30, 2009

How do i code for the names of visitors who are online in

give me the logic plz.

How do i code for the names of visitors who are online in
hmm... well.

1) you need to have dbase or somehow store users that come to your site (low end u can use XML, prefer dbase like Access or MSSql)

2) have them sign up when they come to your website. Provide a link to a *SignUp* page.

- here you have a form to get their Name, a LoginID, and Password (minimal) and any other particuliars you want to keep

- store this info to your dbase

3) Next time they visit your website, they need to login. Have two input boxes for a) LoginID b) Password and a *Submit* button or a link to a simple login page asking for LoginID and Password

4) Display their name

- query your database for loginID and Password that they provided in step 3 and retrieve there name and display it!

good luck!


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