Thursday, July 30, 2009

How would I go about creating a webpage that connects to a database using ASP?

sorry for lack of details but i am not really sure what it is supposed to do

How would I go about creating a webpage that connects to a database using ASP?
put the following inside of a plain text file named default.asp and upload it to a web server that is running IIS.


dim con, rec

set con = server.createobject ("adodb.connection")

set rec = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")

con.connectionstring = "provider=sqloledb; uid=sa; pwd=sa; database=northwind;" "select contactname,phone from customers", con

do until rec.eof

response.write rec("contactname") %26amp; " " %26amp; rec("phone") %26amp; "%26lt;br%26gt;"




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