Monday, May 24, 2010

So what was Cleopatra's fascination with the asp?

Couldn't she tell he was just another snake in the grass?

So what was Cleopatra's fascination with the asp?
The story goes, as I am aware, that she she committed suicide by way of having the reptile bite her. I would have chosen another route, myself.
Reply:Some women just have a thing for slimy scaly reptiles. Most women pick men, she just happened to pick a snake. This question bites!
Reply:Did one of the answers say Mark Anthony?

Isn't he married to Jennifer Lopez?

Wonder if she
Reply:her dog ran away, she got too excited petting her p ussy, and there were no goldfish so she had a pet snake
Reply:Ya gotta ask "Elisabeth Taylor" this Q. She would know!
Reply:I guess to her, one snake was just like any other snake; after awhile she couldn't tell the difference after being with Mark Anthony, Caesar and who knows who else that happened to slither along.
Reply:Ah...the narrow fellow in the grass...
Reply:The Egyptian economic bubble burst. She lost too much on the market and couldn't handle it. Nothing new here.

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