Monday, May 24, 2010

Why all the computer programs like asp. html and so on are written in english why not other languages?

the title is my question i'm just curious can you give me a reason? thank you.

Why all the computer programs like asp. html and so on are written in english why not other languages?
The organizations that developed or sponsored the development of the language (such as AT%26amp;T, Bell Labs, etc.) or the university where it was developed (UCLA, Berkley, MIT, etc) was English and so the words selected for the language would have been English.

There are non-english programming languages, but the language of business is English, so if you want to have a computer language that is adopted by the most people, you need something that is understood by the most people, and that is portable to the most computer systems.

To give a good example, thanks to the "Office de la Langue Francaise" in Quebec, I have a copy of Microsoft Excel 2003 on my PC at work that I can barely use because I am familiar with the commands in English. Commands like "=SUM" has been converted to "=SOMME" on that version.

As a result, I am still using an old copy of Excel 97 on my local drive at work (and at my home office) because I am not accustomed to all the commands to use in French. I have 112 customers I deal with in North America with only 2 Quebec customers, but my using Excel in French is required to protect the language?

Sorry, got a little off track there...he he. (Note: pls don't flame me...I don't hate the French, I just hate the bureaucracy...)

Point is that the computer languages cater to the mass market. If you can meet the demand of the most people by developing a language that a large group of people will understand, odds are it will be used and if it is a good programming language, it will be successful.

By the way, in C++ and some other OOP languages, you can develop your own sets, modules and functions that are named however you like, so you can actually use alternate languages in those segments to make it easier to understand in a locale other than English.
Reply:ok it could be they were developed in english speaking countries
Reply:Because computer is mainly invented and developed by english speaking countries
Reply:Because English is the international language of business, just like French is the international language of diplomacy. Anyone from any country who wants to become a diplomat must learn French. Anyone who wants to do business internationally must learn English. Computer languages are based around business needs, and so they are developed in English.

Related to that is that the majority of major software developers are based in English-speaking countries, or in countries that have widely adopted the "English as business language" concept.

It's also somewhat easier because the English character set is very easy to display on modern computers, as it has an extremely limited alphabet. So it is easier to write code in a language that has a very small set of possible characters.
Reply:They can be made in other languages, or to display other languages.

If you can write an ASP programme in another language, then go ahead, I am sure someone will take it up; But these System programmes take a lot to develop.

I think the Main reason would be "Market Share"; if a Financier backing a project thought that only English speakers/readers/writer users will programme in this language, then thats where it goes to.

Its probably the reason that Open Source code is so popular now, and getting more so
Reply:You can use xml language to write and define your own tags. You can choose to put in those tabs whatever you like and use css to have your individual tags markup in whatever particular way you like. xml/xsl/xslt

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