Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How do I make an "Error Form" in ASP.Net when I purposely make a mistake?

For example, I put a "abc" on a decimal column. Of course there would be the error page. But the thing is that I don't want that to appear. I want a message box to appear saying that "Action is not allowed" or something like it.

How do I do that?

How do I make an "Error Form" in ASP.Net when I purposely make a mistake?
Use a try/catch block and in the catch use a Response.Redirect("yourerrorpage.aspx?Ms... + "your message here.");






catch (Exception ex)


Response.Redirect(@"generalerror.aspx?... + PageUtils.Clean(ex.Message));


/// %26lt;summary%26gt;

/// Removes any embedded newline characters from a string

/// %26lt;/summary%26gt;

/// %26lt;param name="text"%26gt;The string to be cleaned%26lt;/param%26gt;

/// %26lt;returns%26gt;A string without newline characters.%26lt;/returns%26gt;

public static string Clean(string text)


string buf = text;

if (text.Length %26gt; 1000)


buf = Clean(text.Substring(0, 1000), Constants.CRLF);




buf = Clean(buf, Constants.CRLF);


return buf;


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